NBA News

Smirk proudly! Paris social media posted a photo of Dembele smiling to celebrate the team’s promotion to the Champions League semi-finals

Smirk proudly! Paris social media posted a photo of Dembele smiling to celebrate the team's promotion to the Champions League semi-finals. SportsTalk, April 17. In the Champions League quarter-finals held early this morning, Beijing time, Paris defeated Barcelona 4-1 away from home. The total score of the two rounds was 6-4 to advance to the semi-finals. Dembélé twice

SportsTalk April 17th: In the Champions League quarter-finals held early this morning Beijing time, Paris defeated Barcelona 4-1 in an away game and advanced to the semi-finals with a total score of 6-4 in the two rounds.

Dembele scored in both rounds. He scored an extra point in the second round and was one of the contributors to Paris’ advancement. Paris officials updated their social media, posting a photo of Dembélé smiling, and wrote: “Have a nice day.”

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